Cyber Safety Talk


   Cyber Safety Talk

Cyber Safety 01
Cyber Safety 02

On Friday, 28th of February, Stage 3 parents and students of St John Vianney’s Parish School had the opportunity to participate and learn how to be safe and responsible internet users from the Cyber Safety Talk of Senior Constable Tuafale, Youth Liaison Officer, Blacktown Police Station . 

Through the talk, parents and students learnt about the dangers that await in using the internet if they are not careful with their choices. Sr Const Tuafale highlighted that not everyone tells the truth online and students must be very careful.  

Kids should be aware that they shouldn’t use Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, Facebook or messenger if they are still under the age of 13. Sr Constable also explained to the parents what they can do if their child experiences Cyber bullying. 

At the end of the talk, practical tips like disabling location services or GPS tracker when taking photos, setting account in private mode and creating and using unique passwords which will not give information about themselves were given to the students.

By Ryalrni Du Ross (6 Gold)
Cypher Dela Cruz (6 Blue)